Flood susceptibility using TOPSIS method
Flood susceptibility using VIKOR method
Flood susceptibility using EDAS method
Some sample parameters
In this online Certificate Course, you can learn the complete process (A-Z) from scratch to production. How to select parameters and why, download raster and vector data, processing data, images in ArcGIS environment, justification of variables, step by step guide of TOPSIS, VIKOR and EDAS in excel, produced prediction map applying AHP method in groundwater potentiality and stress zonation using ArcGIS. Moreover, you will also learn validation of the susceptibility map in SPSS software.
TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) method is presented in Chen and Hwang (1992), with reference to Hwang and Yoon (1981). The basic principle is that the chosen alternative should have the shortest distance from the ideal solution and the farthest distance from the negative-ideal solution.
The VIKOR method was developed for multicriteria optimization of complex systems. It determines the compromise ranking list, the compromise solution, and the weight stability intervals for preference stability of the compromise solution obtained with the initial (given) weights. This method focuses on ranking and selecting from a set of alternatives in the presence of conflicting criteria. It introduces the multicriteria ranking index based on the particular measure of ‘‘closeness’’ to the ‘‘ideal’’ solution (Opricovic, 1998).
EDAS (Evaluation based on Distance from Average Solution) method was proposed by Ghorabaee et аl. (2015). The EDAS technique can be identified from the other methods. The distances from the average solution are measured when using EDAS method. Therefore the best option is less affected by the outlying observations.
After completing this course, you will be efficiently able to process, predict, and validate any data related to hazard, vulnerability, risk, and suitability assessment using the TOPSIS, VIKOR and EDAS models.
Keywords: Excel, ArcGIS, TOPSIS, VIKOR, EDAS, Mapping, Prediction
During this certificate course, participants can prepare, process, predict and validate any data related to potentiality, stress, hazard, vulnerability, risk, and suitability assessment using Mann Kendall, Sen's Slope, TOPSIS, VIKOR and EDAS.
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